Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The Power of Media

"The media should be unbiased and real" probably only existed in my daydream of childhood or a small brochure of reporter which has forgotten in a corner. Come on, as a young, mindless and rebellious people, who cares about the media standard. Thanks for the internet, everybody can be a media and just try to grab more and more attention to make more money. One of the great thing the President Trump has done is he pointed out truth of media. Many people just read what media give to them and abandon to think individually. 
As we all know, some bad things has happened in Hong Kong, which is extremely violent. Viral Video Shows Hong Kong Police Shooting Teen Protester in the Chest. I am really sorry to hear about that,and I wish the protester would be recovered soon. However, if we read this news carefully, you would buy any of it because it directly hit your mind. "A brutal police shot an innocent teenager by following the order of a dictatorship government". But things is getting interesting if you watch the full footage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xmxW0RAqT8. I am not sure about that I would still alive if I gathering a group of people and then using metal pipes or gasoline bomb to go strike police officer in the United States. No matter what weapon they were using, it might cost a live if they keep practicing violence.  

We need to oppose all violence, no matter which side. Nevertheless, some protesters were committing crimes and they pretended to be innocent when police arrested them. Actually, most word, picture and video from the media can be edited and we cannot the truth if we stop thinking. 

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