Saturday, November 9, 2019

Diffusion of Innovations

The theory of innovation diffusion is one of the classic theories of the study of communication effects. It is a proposal on persuading people to accept new ideas, new things and new products through the media in the 1960s. The theory focuses on the social and cultural impact of mass communication.

Have you seen this movie "The Social Network"? The film's story prototype comes from the founders of the website Facebook Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin. It mainly tells how Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Savarin established and developed Facebook. In the beginning, the founders just wanted to make a website dedicated to Harvard students viewing archives and personal information, and their competitors want to turn this site into a dating site. But after a short "latency period," Facebook quickly became popular among universities. Even though people were already using text messages to socialize at that time, Facebook caught the trend of young people (or was it a prestigious school effect?). As for the shortcomings of Facebook, there have been many news media discussing the privacy issues it brings. Facebook does bring convenience to people, but in some ways convenience and privacy conflict. As a user, we need to decide how much privacy we can sacrifice for convenience, but Facebook also has an obligation to clarify the terms (even not many people will read them).

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